Pusat Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru

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  • 2309,2022

    Exam Schedule for Postgraduate and Professional Programs First Intake, Even Semester Academic Year 2022/2023

    Exam Schedule for Postgraduate and Professional Programs First Intake, Even Semester Academic Year 2022/2023 Universitas Airlangga can be checked on the following link click here.

    Technical guidlines for Postgraduate and Professional Programs click here.

    Interview for Postgraduate and Professional Programs, First Intake, Even Semester Academic Year 2022/2023 Universitas Airlangga will be held on Saturday, 24 September 2022 starting at 11.00 WIB online via  Zoom application. The meeting ID and Passcode of the interview can be checked on the following link click here.

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