Pusat Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru

Toward World Class University



Admission Requirements
Registration Documents (Online Documents)
File Format
1. No more than of 35 at the start of the Specialist Doctor Education Program - PPDS (January 1 for the Even Semester selection period and July 1 for the Odd Semester selection period). A valid personal Identification card (National Card/License/Passport).  *jpg / *pdf
2. A Grade Point Average (GPA) for a Bachelors Medical program ≥ 2,50 ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPT ≥ 2,50. *jpg / *pdf
3. A Grade Point Average (GPA) for a Professional Medical Program ≥ 2,75 ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPT ≥ 2,75 *jpg / *pdf
4. An ELPT Certificate with a score of ≥ 450 from UNAIR's Pusat Bahasa or a TOEFL Certificate with a score of ≥ 450 from an established institution.  ELPT Certificate / TOEFL Certificate with a score of ≥ 450 from Airlangga's Pusat Bahasa or an established institution.  *jpg / *pdf
5. Make a stamped statement indicating your willingness to serve outside of Surabaya.  A stamped statement indicating your willingness to serve outside of Surabaya.  *jpg / *pdf
6. Obtain a referral from the PDPI branch where you intend to return.  A referral from the PDPI branch where you intend to return.  *jpg / *pdf
7. A normal mental state, provided by the results of a mental evaluation (Psychological evaluation, MMPI and interview) conducted by the Psychiatric Department of RSUD Dr. Soetomo in the last 6 months. The cost of this exam is under the responsibility of the Applicant. The results of a mental evaluation procured by RSUD Dr.Soetomo in the last 6 months. (Psychological Evaluation, MMPI, and interview). *jpg / *pdf
8. Applicants are given a maximum of two chances to apply for this program.    

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