Pusat Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru

Toward World Class University



Admission Requirements
Registration Documents (Online Registration)
File Format
1. No more than 37 at the start of the Specialist Dental Doctor Education Program - PPDGS (September 1 for the Odd Semester selection period).  A Valid copy a an official personal identification (Citizenship Card/License/Passport) *jpg / *pdf
2. Applicants must obtain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 from a Professional Academic Program ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPT ≥ 3.00. *jpg / *pdf
3. Applicants must possess an STR (If during the time of registration, an STR has not been officially issued, the applicant must provide a statement stating that the STR is currently being processed).  STR (If during the time of registration, an STR has not been officially issued, the applicant must provide a statement stating that the STR is currently being processed). *jpg / *pdf
4. Applicants are given a maximum of 2 times to take the Admission Examination for this program.    
5. Applicants must have a minimum of 1 year of working experience prior to the completion of a Bachelor's Dentistry Degree.     
6. Register as a PDGI member A PDGI card *jpg / *pdf

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